
Disclaimer: This blog is for a fake company. It is being used for a social media marketing class.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Self Defense In Disguise

Putting Power Back Into Women's Hands Without Others Knowing

As women it is hard to feel safe walking to your car after work, going on a date for the first time, or walking home from the bar. A lot of times we try to be aware of our surroundings but things slip past us. Being protected from danger with self defense tools will help put your mind at ease. Our friends from SafetyGirl have the best products that would fool anyone into thinking they are everyday items! Take a look at our favorite products:
Lipstick Pepper Spray

1. Lipstick Peper Spray

For the low cost of $5.31 you can purchase the best lipstick around. Carry this lipstick pepper spray in your purse, clutch, or backpack in total disguise. No one will know what's really under the cap except for you. The lipstick pepper spray has a 10 foot range and allows for up to 10 sprays. It comes in different colors as well! Pick whatever color you think says "Stay the hell away from me." This is perfect for a date that could potentially go wrong.

Police Magnum Peper Spray Pen

2. Police Magnum Peper Spray Pen

Many women carry around pens in their purse, but this isn't an ordinary pen. This $3.50 pen is actually pepper spray! This is ideal for college students to keep in backpacks while walking to and from classes or the library. There is a 12 foot range and 10 sprays per canister. Next time someone asks for a pen- make sure to give them the right one! They could be in for an unpleasant surprise.

Cell Phone Stun Gun

3. Cell Phone Stun Gun

Last, but not least, the cell phone stun gun. This one has to be my favorite. Who is caught without their cellphones these days? Don't be caught without yours! This cell phone shaped stun gun will catch an attacker completely off guard. Your attacker will have 1,000,000 volts going through their body and just as many regrets messing with you. This cell phone stun gun is only $22! Completely ideal for any situation.

Don't Be Caught Without These Items!

Now that we've showed you our favorite items, go check them out for yourselves! Head on over to SafetyGirl and browse their items. Leave a comment, Tweet, Instagram, or Facebook us pictures of your purchases!


  1. Fantastic work Cami. You are truly gifted with social media talents.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Perfect! The pictures on Instagram captures your business model!
