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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Relieve Stress With Yoga

Stress, stress, stress!

I know after a long day of work all I want to do is go home and drink a large glass (or bottle) of wine because of the stress endured throughout the day. Another way to relieve stress is through yoga. Keep reading to find out how to take some stress away with a few simple poses.

Sukhasana Pose

The Sukhasana Pose is a very easy, relaxing pose. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Place your hands on your knees and sit up straight. This allows for you to open up your body and elongate the spine. It also helps open up your hips. Sit like this for 60 seconds and take slow, deep breaths to eliminate any stress or anxiety that has built up.

Extended Puppy Pose

The Extended Puppy Pose allows for stretching of the shoulders and also elongating the spine. It has shown that this pose is used to eliminate stress that settles in the shoulders while decreasing the tension as well.

Savasana Pose

The Savasana Pose, although looks simple, is very relaxing. This pose is my favorite (can you guess why?). Lay on the floor with arms and legs extended to the side. Allow your muscles to fully relax. Take deep breaths allowing all of the stress to exit your body. With each breath you should feel more relaxed. Stay in this position for up to five minutes- and don't fall asleep!

Head-to-Knee Forward Bend Pose

The Head-to-Knee Pose uses your whole body to relieve the stress you may have. Sit on the ground with one leg straight and while you bend the other one, resting your foot on your straight leg. Begin to slowly reach forward to whatever distance feels comfortable. You should feel your spine stretching and your shoulders stretching as well. This will release a lot of the tension put on your shoulders while sitting. This pose can calm your anxiety as well with stress. Switch to the other leg once you've completed the first.

No More Stress!

We all want to live a stress-free life. Doing these yoga poses for just a few minutes a day may make a huge difference! If any of these poses have worked for you, let us know! Comment at the bottom of this post. Feel free to comment any other yoga poses that have helped you deal with stress as well!


  1. Cami! love your blog and I really like the colors and fonts you used. I really enjoyed reading your yoga blog post, I enjoy yoga and this had some really great tips that I will try myself! Keep up the great work, I look forward to reading your future blog posts.

  2. I think this is wonderful I truly appreciate the information shared in this post I am going to bookmark this! yoga poses for stress relief
