
Disclaimer: This blog is for a fake company. It is being used for a social media marketing class.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

All Good Things Come To an End

So Long, Farewell.

This week is my last blog post on behalf of my company Empower Events. I have come a long way since day one of Laurie's Social Media Marketing course at CVTC. This course was one of the most intriguing, time consuming, frustrating, and rewarding classes I have taken. Learning new platforms every week was exciting and kept class interesting. I used to think social media was just for fun, but I've found my passion for it in the business world. Taking this class has made me realize that I would LOVE to do this as my job! 

In Laurie's class we learned all different platforms of social media. We were introduced to Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram/Pinterest, Vine, SoundCloud, YouTube, and dabbled into some software programs that would enhance our social media. My personal favorite platforms were Blogger, Instagram, and Twitter. Blogger allowed me to get my creative juices flowing and write articles that can capture attention for a business. Instagram allowed me to keep consistency with my followers with my weekly hashtags that I used such as "#WomanOfTheWeek" and "#ThirstyThursday". Twitter was the outlet in which I could communicate and engage with other members in my class. It was fun to retweet, reply, and favorite all of their tweets on my timeline. 

If Empower Events was a real business I would definitely keep a lot of these platforms because they would all be beneficial to an event company. The ones I would primarily focus on would be Blogger, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. A real business needs a mothership that holds all of it's information, and that's exactly what Blogger is. It allows for the business to write in more detail something they may not be able to fit on Twitter or Facebook. Twitter is great because it is so interactive and allows followers to post pictures and updates which would get the rest of their followers to see events they are attending. Twitter seems to be like a word-of-mouth form of social media. Instagram is great for an event company to have as well because they need a platform that just shows who they are visually. Instagram allows for pictures and videos of events to be posted so followers can become more interested in what's going on in the business. Facebook is a great attention getter. Many people get a lot of their news from Facebook and putting out information on an event on Facebook would be very beneficial. 

Daisy Waving Goodbye!
Overall, I thought the course was great. My friends and family would call me the "Social Media Queen" but now I truly feel like I captured a talent for social media in the business world. As I said, I would love to do this as a job some day.

Goodbye Empower Events!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Empower On The Go

Empower Events App Logo
Source: Empower Events

What's App Empower Event Lovers?

We are so excited to introduce our Empower Events app! This app will help you keep all of our events in the palm of your hand. We love the idea of being able to open an app on your smartphone to be updated with everything going on with our business as well as the people you meet at our events. 

What Will Our App Include?

This app will include lots of unique features you won't find anywhere else an built for your needs. Being built specific to your needs means it will include a social network, calendar of our events, and empowering messages (with exclusive coupons!)

Our app allows for you to create your own EmpowerProfile. Your EmpowerProfile can include status updates, picture uploads, and exclusive RSVP rights to our events. Upload your own profile picture, write a description of yourself, and design your profile to your likings! It is easy to connect to people you meet at our events by adding them to your EmpowerNetwork and seeing their posts on your newsfeed.

Our EmpowerCalender will keep you updated with all of our events we host. Each event will appear as a hyperlink. When the event is clicked, you will be redirected to the specific event page with all details about the events. This is where it gets good. If you have an EmpowerProfile you will be able to upload your pictures, videos, and comments to the event page! This will show others how fun our events are. 

The last feature is the EmpowerMessages that will be sent. Every Monday morning at 7:30 am you will receive an empowering message from us. This is a great way to start your week because it also includes an exclusive Starbucks coupon for your Monday morning coffee. Every Friday afternoon at 5:00 pm you will receive a congratulating message for making it through the week. Along with this message you will receive an exclusive coupon for a local Los Angeles restaurant. 

Our app will available for Apple and Android phones and tablets for the low cost of zero dollars! We encourage you to download our Empower Events app and let us know what you think. Leave a comment below or find us on any of our social media sites for feedback, questions, or comments!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

What's All The Fuzz About?

No Shave November Is Upon Us

Why is this such a big deal? Usually we use No Shave November as an excuse to be lazy with our body hair, but it's actually for a greater cause. No Shave November is about raising awareness for cancer prevention, education, and research. We love our women here at Empower Events, but we also love the men who empower us. We want to show them some love with our next event!
Official No Shave November Logo

How Much Do You Spend On Hair Care Removal A Month?

It really adds up. Haircuts can be up to $40 and a pack of razors can be up to $15. Not to mention all the other gizmos and gadgets used to remove our pesky unwanted body hair. We are asking you to step back and add up how much you spend on your hair care removal each month and donate that amount of money to our friends at No Shave November. Clicking the link will open a new page where you can donate your money. Donate under "Empower Events" in the Funded Programs tab. By doing this you will receive an invite to our Empower Your Body Hair event on November 28th at the Empower Events headquarters!

My pug Daisy and her "mustache"

Let's Show Them How Empower Events Does No Shave November!

We are so excited to see how much money we can raise through the month of November for this great cause. We are also even more excited to see the fun beards and long hair that will be at our event! We thank you in advance for the generous donation. If you have any comments or concerns drop them below. And for those of you wondering, Daisy will be making an appearance this year with her lovely mustache!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Anyone Ready For A Little Getaway?

It's Time For The Grand Reveal...

Last week Empower Events announced through our Vine account that we wanted to send you somewhere relaxing! Before we tell you the amazing location, here is how you can enter the contest. Hop on your favorite social media site and tell us why you deserve a relaxing vacation! Create a video, take a picture, or write a letter to us and send it to our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account! The ladies at Empower Events will then decide who will be the lucky winner! 

And now, for the grand reveal! The wonderful vacation spot will be...

The Westin Riverfront Resort & Spa in Avon, Colorado! 

Weston Riverfront Resort & Spa
The Weston Riverfront Resort & Spa is a guaranteed to take you to a snowy paradise. Some amenities included in your stay are:
  • Full access to the workout facilities, pool, and spa
  • Ice skating, snowmobiling, and skiing
  • On-site dining
  • Daycare facilities
  • Bar access
This vacation and airfare will be paid for all by Empower Events! We will also be giving you $1,000 in spending money for the trip! You may pick the date in which you'd like to go visit as well. We want to give back to our loyal customers who are always supporting our events. Enjoy a seven night, six day stay in the two bedroom residential suite located on the top floor! This will ensure you to have great views of the mountains during your stay. This vacation is allotted for four people. You may invite your friends, family, or a romantic get away for you and your significant other! 

What's The Catch?

In order to enter for this contest you must be 21 years or older. The age limit was set because the resort includes access to alcohol. If you are under 21 you may have a parent, friend, or significant other enter the contest and beg them to take you with! 

When Will I Know If I Won?

The winner will be revealed Thursday, November 12th! We will contact you personally and also post your picture, video, or letter on our social media sites!

We are extremely excited to see what you will send us to show why you deserve this getaway! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to leave a comment or reach out to us through Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!

P.S. Empower Events made a new commercial! Check it out!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Treat Yourself!

Halloween Is A Night For A Little Treat

Ding-dong! Trick or treat Empower Events' lovers. It's time for our annual Halloween event. We know everyone already has their costumes picked out but now it's time to reveal the details of our party. Leave the kids at home because this is not your typical costume party! We are going to make this a Halloween you'll never forget!

Greystone Manor- Halloween Style
When you step into Greystone Manor you will be amazed at the transformation from nightclub to haunted house. The party starts at 9:30 pm and ends whenever you'd like it to! Or when they kick us out. Either way, it'll be a night filled with drinks, dancing, and fun people. A cover charge of 20 dollars will be collected at the door which will allow you to get a little spooky at the bar for the rest of the night. 

Some of the signature drinks that will be served will be candy corn Jello shots, Hocus Pocus fizz, witches brew, poisoned apple, and the vampire cocktail.

Our favorite DJ Dillon Francis will be there all night to keep the party going. He will be playing music from his new album as well some of your favorites. At the end of the night Dillon will be judging the costume contest so make sure to dress to impress!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns make sure to comment below! Feel free to tweet us or write on our Facebook page as well. We hope to see all of you there!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Self Defense In Disguise

Putting Power Back Into Women's Hands Without Others Knowing

As women it is hard to feel safe walking to your car after work, going on a date for the first time, or walking home from the bar. A lot of times we try to be aware of our surroundings but things slip past us. Being protected from danger with self defense tools will help put your mind at ease. Our friends from SafetyGirl have the best products that would fool anyone into thinking they are everyday items! Take a look at our favorite products:
Lipstick Pepper Spray

1. Lipstick Peper Spray

For the low cost of $5.31 you can purchase the best lipstick around. Carry this lipstick pepper spray in your purse, clutch, or backpack in total disguise. No one will know what's really under the cap except for you. The lipstick pepper spray has a 10 foot range and allows for up to 10 sprays. It comes in different colors as well! Pick whatever color you think says "Stay the hell away from me." This is perfect for a date that could potentially go wrong.

Police Magnum Peper Spray Pen

2. Police Magnum Peper Spray Pen

Many women carry around pens in their purse, but this isn't an ordinary pen. This $3.50 pen is actually pepper spray! This is ideal for college students to keep in backpacks while walking to and from classes or the library. There is a 12 foot range and 10 sprays per canister. Next time someone asks for a pen- make sure to give them the right one! They could be in for an unpleasant surprise.

Cell Phone Stun Gun

3. Cell Phone Stun Gun

Last, but not least, the cell phone stun gun. This one has to be my favorite. Who is caught without their cellphones these days? Don't be caught without yours! This cell phone shaped stun gun will catch an attacker completely off guard. Your attacker will have 1,000,000 volts going through their body and just as many regrets messing with you. This cell phone stun gun is only $22! Completely ideal for any situation.

Don't Be Caught Without These Items!

Now that we've showed you our favorite items, go check them out for yourselves! Head on over to SafetyGirl and browse their items. Leave a comment, Tweet, Instagram, or Facebook us pictures of your purchases!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

We Can Cure It!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Rosie the Riveter Breast Cancer Poster

Every October the leaves change colors to oranges, yellows, and browns. Every October we are introduced to another color. Pink. Each year we recognize October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to BreastCancer.org there has been 290,000 new cases of breast cancer so far in 2015. We at Empower Events want to bring awareness to this disease to help the women in our lives stay healthy and fight Breast Cancer. Our upcoming event will have us all saying, "We Can Cure It!"

Head down to Studio 1342 in East Los Angeles at noon for the start of our event. A buffet of brunch will be served in an open ballroom filled with white, silver, and pink decorations! Tables will be made by reservations so don't delay! During brunch we will listen to a Breast Cancer survivor Giuliana Rancic, who is a news anchor for E! News. She will share her journey with us and be open for questions and answers after her speech.

Think Pink and Have Some Fun 

Pink Hair Extensions
Our friends from The Loft will have a mini salon set up for some much needed pampering! The Loft specializes in beauty from haircuts to nail art. These hairstylists will be volunteering their time to Cut For A Cure. For $30 you can get your hair washed, cut, and styled by some of the best hairstylists in Los Angeles while donating to a good cause. The $30 will all be donated to the Los Angeles Breast Cancer Alliance in hopes of finding a cure. Along with hair cuts, The Loft stylists will be selling temporary pink hair extensions for $10! These extensions will be put in by the professionals. You may also get your nails done with amazing designs! Nail sets will be $15 and guaranteed to show your support for Breast Cancer.

Empower Events has always encouraged women to be tested for Breast Cancer and we are aware that everyone doesn't have the access to testing. This is why we are working with Planned Parenthood to provide free mammograms to all women who attend! Stop by the Planned Parenthood booth to learn more about mammograms and other Breast Cancer care. 

At the end of our night at 5:30 pm we will be having a lantern and candle ceremony. During the day you will be able to decorate a white lantern that will be set into the night sky. These lanterns can represent a woman who is fighting, has fought, or has been affected by Breast Cancer. Decorating lanterns will be $5 and all proceeds will be donated to the Los Angeles Breast Cancer Alliance. When it becomes dark we will release these lanterns to fill the sky with light.

Signed Aaron Rodgers football

Silent Auction

We will be holding a silent auction for those who are interested. Items that will be up for auction include: an Aaron Rodgers signed football, tickets to the Los Angeles Angles baseball game, tickets to a LA Kings hockey game, full day of pampering from The Loft, Disney Land admission passes, and more!

More Info

If you are interested in joining us for our "We Can Cure It!" event, RSVP through our website or email at empowerevents@gmail.com. This event will have a $5 cover charge per person. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to find us on Facebooktweet at us, or leave a comment below!