
Disclaimer: This blog is for a fake company. It is being used for a social media marketing class.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

All Good Things Come To an End

So Long, Farewell.

This week is my last blog post on behalf of my company Empower Events. I have come a long way since day one of Laurie's Social Media Marketing course at CVTC. This course was one of the most intriguing, time consuming, frustrating, and rewarding classes I have taken. Learning new platforms every week was exciting and kept class interesting. I used to think social media was just for fun, but I've found my passion for it in the business world. Taking this class has made me realize that I would LOVE to do this as my job! 

In Laurie's class we learned all different platforms of social media. We were introduced to Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram/Pinterest, Vine, SoundCloud, YouTube, and dabbled into some software programs that would enhance our social media. My personal favorite platforms were Blogger, Instagram, and Twitter. Blogger allowed me to get my creative juices flowing and write articles that can capture attention for a business. Instagram allowed me to keep consistency with my followers with my weekly hashtags that I used such as "#WomanOfTheWeek" and "#ThirstyThursday". Twitter was the outlet in which I could communicate and engage with other members in my class. It was fun to retweet, reply, and favorite all of their tweets on my timeline. 

If Empower Events was a real business I would definitely keep a lot of these platforms because they would all be beneficial to an event company. The ones I would primarily focus on would be Blogger, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. A real business needs a mothership that holds all of it's information, and that's exactly what Blogger is. It allows for the business to write in more detail something they may not be able to fit on Twitter or Facebook. Twitter is great because it is so interactive and allows followers to post pictures and updates which would get the rest of their followers to see events they are attending. Twitter seems to be like a word-of-mouth form of social media. Instagram is great for an event company to have as well because they need a platform that just shows who they are visually. Instagram allows for pictures and videos of events to be posted so followers can become more interested in what's going on in the business. Facebook is a great attention getter. Many people get a lot of their news from Facebook and putting out information on an event on Facebook would be very beneficial. 

Daisy Waving Goodbye!
Overall, I thought the course was great. My friends and family would call me the "Social Media Queen" but now I truly feel like I captured a talent for social media in the business world. As I said, I would love to do this as a job some day.

Goodbye Empower Events!

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